My Dear and Loving Familia,
Whaaaat! I have been in Mexico for two months Today!!!
So.... Remember Luis? jaja. He was the boy last week that gave us cake, we contacted, and he kissed our cheeks before we could tell him that it wasnt allowed. Well, we had an appointment with him this week an we had all planned out what we were going to say to him about how Hermanas dont kiss boys and Hermana Garcia had actually rehearsed with me, jaja. But then we were walking up to his house ready to tell him when he came out to greet us instead of waiting like was in our plan! In two quick strides he was to Hermana Garcia and as her mouth opened to tell him no he had already kissed her cheek! 'Missionary Down!' ran across my mind and then his eyes moved to me and in one stride he had breached MY perimiter! But I couldnt let this happen to me again because I am a missionary of the Lord gosh dangit! So he approached and I didnt know my back could even bend back that far, jaja. I just shook his hand and then as he leaned forward I just kept leaning back while all but screaming that I had to tell him something, jajaja... I never know how to handle things delicately. Que sera, sera. He is moving away anyway, hopefully we planted a seed for future Elders to talk to him;)
We went to Cuernavaca for a health meeting last week, and that was fun! It is really great talking with other missionaries and getting to use English for a bit:) Also, do you know what was waiting for me at the office?? A PACKAGE!! Holla at my Aunt Tera! It was full of candy, so I shared with lots of missionaries and made lots of friends, jaja. We also had pizza the night we were in Cuernavaca and I feel like I got more nauseous from eating that than most of the other weird Mexican stuff we eat. Little Ceasers, need I say more?;) But the meeting about health was interesting, there is this huge emphasis on keeping us safe from Dengue and Chikunguya. They are like fevers or something that is passed on from Mosquitos. I faithfully put on my repellent every night and morning and I still get tons of bites, though! And everytime I think I've got the Dengue, jaja.
So this week I finally met my first Borrachos! (drunks). I feel like tons of missionaries talk about their funny stories with drunks so I thought it was pretty funny actually meeting one:) But I actually met my first three in one day.. And I am so innocent/naive.. or maybe I am just stupid, jaja.. but I never know they are drunk until after when Hna Garcia tells me. I recognized that something about them was off but I didnt realize they were drunk, I just felt bad theycouldnt remember their own telephone number, jaja.. I guess I'll learn the signs! One of the drunks we contacted was actually an inactive member, so that was disappointing. But I'm glad we met him so we could help him!:) We have actually accidentally contacted a menos activo 3 times now, which seems so random, but the Lord knows who He wants us to talk to and help!
I was kind of struggling with this this week, just the lack of success and stuff we're having. No one comes to church, jaja... No one remembers our appointments, no one answers their phones, and no one wants to get baptized. When I got to this area we had 15 people with baptismal dates and they were scheduled for every week. We now have 7 with baptismal dates but theyre not really progressing. I was so upset that I was in an area that is struggling, not because I am upset that I have to work hard, but because I feel bad and like they deserve a better missionary than I am. But I read in D&C 100:4 and it says "Therefore, I, the Lord, have suffered you, [Hermana Swallow], to come unto [Galeana] for thus it was expedient in me for the salvation of souls." And I remembered that the Lord is the one who has called me here and He trusts me to help this ward. It is still hard and I am still trying so hard to be my best for this people, but I know all will be okay! And I know that all of you are where YOU are supposed to be at this time, too:) I love you all so much! Have an amazing week!
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