Friday, December 25, 2015

Nov. 14- What, a Saturday email?!

Mi Querido Familia,
First things first: My second chinche blood test results came back clean!! Wahoo! And I havent gotten anymore since (knock on wood) So we can just leave this blood-drawing heart-disease scaring time behind us;) Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. 
We had another good week!! It was a little rough for the working because we had a Zone Conference and then we had a Multi-Zone Conference two days later. Which is awesome because you learn alot and are edified and its fun seeing other missionaries, but I also miss teaching and meeting with our investigators. On the up side though the ride to Cuernavaca is like an hour and a half which means the person sitting next to me cant run for all that time and I can usually get in a whole lesson and a book of mormon;) 
To be honest I am drawing a blank on any stories or interesting things that have happened.. I fell out of another comvie, that was pretty embarassing again. And we didnt get a contact out of it, the comvie driver just shouted at me to be more careful. Uh, rude. 
This coming week should be really interesting:) On Monday we have this religious freedom fair in Cuernavaca, so we will be contacting and working a booth about the church (thats why I am emailing today:)) and as well this next Saturday should bring my FIRST BAPTISM!! We have been working really hard with this young man, Walle, and he has progressed amazingly and is ready to be baptized into the fold of God:)  He is only 17 so we had to talk to his parents this morning to give permission.. the spirit was so strong. He will be an amazing example for them:)
Well, I love you all extremely much:) I hope you have an amazing week! 
Hermana Swallow
PS- the pic is of me being happy at the hospital after myblood test:) 
P.S.  I love having a camera again. It is the!
This is of us eating elote (the corn with the unrefrigerated mayonnaise;) and cheese and chile)

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