Sep 7 at 2:00 PM
My Dear Family and Amigos,
It was another good and incredibly difficult week :) But the Lord's Tender Mercies abound, and I am so grateful He has given me eyes to see them.
Last week I was reading in Alma 4 about how the Nefites were starting to fall and Alma left the judgement seat to devote himself wholly to preaching and helping the people. I thought it was pretty funny... Everyone always talks to about Ammon and Aaron and their amazing missions to the Lamanites, but Alma served a mission too, he just stayed state-side, jaja... But he still performed miracles and had amazing experiences! Shout out to all of my homies serving State-side missions!!:) Anyways, so I was reading this chapter and it amazed me that Alma just up and dropped everything to follow a call to serve the Lord. I wanted to say that I was doing the same on my mission, because I definitely have left behind everything I know, but I was still holding onto things in my heart. With this experience I had a newfound desire to devote myself WHOLLY to the service of God, including my Whole heart for this people. It was an amazing week of selfless service and learning for me:)
We went to Cuernavaca again for a conference for the trainers and I was so INCREDIBLY grateful that I was able to understand so much more in this conference from the last one. I still never catch on long enough to laugh with the jokes, though, jaja.. one of the Asistants always teases us that they can tell who the new white people are not by our skin but by the fact that we never laugh when there is a joke! Maybe one day, jaja.. anyways, so I was just sitting in this conference of about 75 missionaries when our Presidente called on me to bear my testimony to everyone. WHAT?! So, I did! :) And my Spanish wasnt perfect, but I still felt the Spirit:) Like every lesson I sit in! The Lord is really making up the difference with the language. It is amazing:)
We had the opportunity to fast this week, and I hope you all did as well! It was a really good experience, but I have a newfound appreciation for it as well. I dont know why I ever thought I could complain about fasting before my mission. Because aint nobody understand what Thirst is until they are walking for miles in the Mexican sun fasting, jaja.. but that means we recieve more blessings, right?;)
Atleast, thats what I thought, and I thought those blessings would manifest in some church attendance from our investigators;) I had some real high hopes. We did everything we could. I did everything I could. Sometimes I bore testimony so strongly of the importance of attending church and they promised me they would come... and no one came. Again. That now makes 5 Sundays into my mission without an investigator. BUT we had three menos activos families attend, and that was a comfort to my heart:) Hna Garcia took it pretty hard.. but with the help of the Spirit and patience, I think she is alright again:) She just wants so badly to see success and prove herself to be a good trainer, but I know all is well :) When I talk to other missionaries who are new like me and they talk about their progressing investigators and how sometimes thats the only reason they're still here in Mexico, I dont feel jealous:) I feel grateful that God trusts me enough to put me here. Because He knew that I would be strong enough to handle it. He knew I would be strong enough to help Hna Garcia. He knew I would have enough faith to keep working. So thats what we're going to do:)
I hope everyone has an AMAZING week! Keep looking for the Lords Tender Mercies, I testify that they are with you. I love you!
Hermana Swallow
PS- I saw an actual iguana this week a few feet from me. I hope I never see one again.
PPS- sorry that I dont have pictures this week, I lost my charger cord.. so who knows when I'll even have more pictures, jaja:)
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